Sunday, 18 May 2008

How to arse up a good plan

Nic and I have been planning the big trip for a while. We roughly know where we are going and for how long so that we can arrange the five visas we will need throughout, some of which require proof of where we will stay every single day. Not the easiest thing in the world.

So with all that palava, I rather surprised myself by completely getting the Morocco bike trip arsewards. I thought I could ride to Spain and Morocco on my learner's license. Not so it seems. It is illegal and they won't let me in on my bike.

I only found this out two days ago so I've gone into panic mode and have booked my theory test and practical in the next few weeks. The test isn't easy and I have to pass it or the whole Morocco trip is probably ruined. Ha!

Heh, at least it make things interesting. Nothing like time pressure to focus the mind.

I'll be practising figures of eight, shoulder-checks and U-turns for the forseeable future.

And to keep everything impractical and silly, I've taken the panniers off the bike because they weren't pretty enough and obscured the lovely lines of the bike. So, I will have to travel without any change of clothes or anything; just a credit card, a passport and a smile. Awesome.