I made a bit of a mistake and accidentally booked a hotel 25km out of Marrakech. It took a couple of hours to find the place, asking people for directions and getting the usual mixture of daft responses pointing in opposite directions etc.
Here is a tip for travelling which works time and again: When you need to find a place always ask an older person. They are the ones who know the town, have the patience to listen, and will be polite in a way that I don´t think our generation will ever be.
In Morocco people will help you even if they don´t have the knowledge or ability. It is endearing, but can be tricky for trying to do anything or get anywhere.
As I say, it took two hours to find the place and a lot of ribbing from Rob for being such a numpty, but in the end he agreed it was worth it. Check out the hotel and view...

Happy Days!
After such a long ride, we settled down to a swim and a few beers, and... ahem... a candlelit dinner for two next to the pool with a view of the mountains. A little bizarre for both of us I think.