We stop for lunch at Fatima.
Rob objects to loitering in a town with all the god botherers, but I think it might be fun for a laugh to see them en mass (so to speak).
We get there with all the shops seeing glow in the dark jesuses (what do you call more than one jesus?) and neon Marys.
While there we buy some Jesus juice for my Grandma because she is lovely and digs the catholic God. It looks suspiciously like tap water, but we are assured that it is official Fatima water. We try to point it at things and zap them with it, but god doesn´t want to work in that particular mysterious way.
Religion - done. Northward to a place call Figuera da Foz, which we nickname fozzie bear because it is easier to say. Waka waka waka as fozzie would say.
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