One thing though, Borneo sure knows about rain. The houses here are raised on stilts, and for good reason. It rains each afternoon, but not in a normal rain cloud style. It pours with ferocious fat drops that are more like a waterfall than a shower. This happened every day here and thankfully takes away the sticky heat of the day. If you get caught in it though, you can kiss your spiral mullet perm goodbye.
We went to Bako National Park for the day. To get there you have to hire a longboat to take you into the park and to the park headquarters. Cruising along the river, passing dense jungle and monitor lizards sliding in the mud, it felt rather like a Joseph Conrad novel.
The hike was in torrential rain which made it quite exciting, including fording small streams that have overflowed and turned into rivers. We encountered a baby turtle in the rain, making a dash across the path. The weird thing was that we were near the top of a mountain. Not really sure what he was doing up there, but I guess he had his reasons.
Back at the park headquarters these little guys tried to steal my coke. Cheeky monkeys...
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