Sunday, 28 December 2008

Niah Caves

Heading east, we left Kuching out in a small ferry boat to Sibu. The thing with this is that the boat has to go out to sea to get to the river mouth about two hours north-east. The ferry captain had great faith in his little passenger ferry because he went full steam despite the rolling waves. This caused the sides of the ferry to slam into the waves on the downward part of the corkscrew. Instead of backing off the throttle like he should have to even it out, he just held on to his stool which he tied to the helm with packing tape. We all held on for dear life while trying to watch a b-grade French movie about drug gangsters who dress badly and fight a baldy man.

After a couple of days travelling, we made it up to Niah caves. A few hours hiking and then these caves. They were incredible. You wander around these massive cave chambers, with millions of bats hanging above you, chirping away. It is pitch black and you have to use a torch to follow the path. Further on there was a cave with neolithic cave paintings showing men and canoes. It was one of those wow experiences that everyone hunts for.


One of the long-house communities here...

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